Bushra Ansari

Why Bushra Ansari decided to end her marriage of 36 years

Bushra Ansari marriage

Veteran actor, comedian, playwright and singer Bushra Ansari in a conversation with Mira Sethi, Ansari faced the camera to speak about something a little more personal; a long-standing marriage that she chose to walk out from.

“While divorce is a solution to escape a bad patch in a marriage, I decided to part ways after 36 years of marriage,” the actor opened up.

“This right was provided to me by my father, that I could give the divorce instead of being divorced. It’s not an insult to someone. There was just an issue concerning his sister at the time, and my father didn’t want me to go through the same. But by the time we got to realise that things were getting difficult and something was up, our kids had already started to go to school.”

Read more: Actors were disciplined and punctual in our time: Bushra Ansari

“In today’s generation, people generally choose not to have kids till at least five or six years. So you guys have a lot of time on your hands to evaluate your compatibility. I say this both as a good thing and a bad thing,” she explained.

“Bad in the sense that if people continue to wait just to be sure and say hmm, lets see, let’s wait a little more, lets not have kids right now — then by that logic, no home will ever flourish, everyone’s homes will break. At one point, you do have to give each other a chance. Create a family, experience those joys.”

“I would think, is this situation better, or the one after? And what if I mess up and they bare the burden of that issue? With this, we spent 36 years. Then our kids got settled, they had their own kids, we (my husband and I) decided to give each other relief.”

“Very few women are insecure when their husbands are successful. They’re probably happy living in their shadow. But men, on the other hand, get insecure I guess.”

“I have too many stories to tell,” the multi-tasker legend added, revealing that she is currently working on writing a television series, which would be her 11th serial.

“The work is restricted by external factors such as artists’ availability, production, budget,” she revealed, saying that it takes time and dedication to bring a vision to life.

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