
Russia registers world’s ‘first’ Covid-19 vaccine, names it Sputnik V

Russia Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has become the first country around the world to approve the Covid-19 ‘Sputnik V’ vaccine, adding that one of his daughters has already been inoculated.

Naming the vaccine “Sputnik V”, Russian officials said it provided safe, stable immunity after its different human testing trails.

Russia finally approved and now it would be the first successful vaccine to be used to treat the virus. The development paves the way for the mass inoculation of the Russian population, even as the final stage of clinical trials to test safety and efficacy continues. Reportedly a billion doses of new COVID-19 vaccine ‘Sputnik V’ have been ordered by twenty countries.

However, Russia has been indulged in making the COVID-19 vaccine since the pandemic started to spread around the world. The enthusiasm and the speed of Russia show its determination to win the global race for an effective product. It has also stirred concerns that it may put national prestige before sound science and safety.

Experts question Russia Covid-19 ‘Sputnik V’ vaccine claims

While speaking on state meeting in a meeting, Vladimir said that the vaccine which was developed by the Gamaleya institute of Moscow was quite safe that it was administered to one of his daughters. “I know that it works quite effectively, forms strong immunity, and I repeat, it has passed all the needed checks. I hope the country would soon start mass-producing the vaccine.”

Moreover, the health ministry approval predicts the start of a larger trial involvement of thousands of participants that is called phase lll trial commonly. Regulators around the world have told that they would not compromise safety in the rush to develop coronavirus vaccine but it has been observed that growing public distrust in the efforts of the government has pushed for rapidly-produce virus vaccine.

Moreover, according to the World Health Organization, only 4 vaccines for coronavirus are in the final phase lll human trial although more than 100 vaccines are being developed around the world.

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