
PM Imran approves project to solarize tube wells in Balochistan

tube wells in Balochistan

Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved a mega project to solarize tube wells in Balochistan. It will provide uninterrupted electricity in the province.

On Monday, PM approved the major project while chairing a meeting, the project that would overcome power sector losses and will provide uninterrupted electricity. The meeting was attended by Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani and federal and provincial ministers.

Read more: Balochistan Cabinet approved first digital policy of province

The solarization of tube wells in Balochistan would not only provide uninterrupted power supply to farmers but also help overcome losses in power transmission.

In this regard, PM ordered the Power Division and provincial government to present a comprehensive strategy to accomplish the project. He also called defining the timelines for the execution of the plan.

The meeting further discussed that farmers in the province faced difficulties which also increased the circular debt, despite the provision of subsidy worth billions of rupees for tube wells by the government.

Therefore, the prime minister called for early resolution of the matter as judicious use of the subsidy was the government’s priority.

However, Balochistan Minister for Education Yar Mohammad Rind has raised the issue that there is an acute shortage of teachers in the province.

While speaking at a function on Monday during which he distributed appointment letters among 388 male and female teachers.

“We are making all-out efforts to resolve the issue of shortage of teachers in the province,” Mr Rind said, adding that residential schools were being established in all districts of Balochistan. “Establishing the eructation department on modern lines is one of our top priorities,” he added.

He also asked the media to point out corruption in the education sector, an immediate action would be taken against the corrupt officials. The minister said that steps were underway to eliminate ghost teachers and employees from the education department.

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