
Pakistan presents another dossier on Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir

Kashmir dossier

Pakistan has presented another dossier to the world on the “fascist” Indian government’s horrific human rights violations, war crimes, and genocide of Kashmiris in the Jammu and Kashmir region. 

At a special briefing at the Foreign Office, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, National Security Advisor Dr. Moeed Yusuf, and Minister for Human Rights Dr. Shireen Mazari presented the document to the media. 

The 131-page document also includes a CD with 15 audio and video recordings, as well as the GPS coordinates of five ISIS training camps funded and supervised by India. 

Read more: Pakistan gives UN a dossier on Indian terrorism push in the country

They urged that the international world perform its responsibility to Kashmiris by helping to “stop India’s tyrannical and oppressive rule” in the occupied regions. 

“We expect the United Nations to push India’s government to grant free access to UN Human Rights Council Special Procedure Mandate Holders for independent investigations of human rights violations,” Shah Mehmood Qureshi said. 

New dossier on ‘war crimes’ in occupied Kashmir

The report covers 3,432 cases of war crimes involving 1,178 Indian personnel, including one Major General, four Inspectors General, seven Deputy Inspectors General, five Brigadiers, 31 Colonels, and 188 Majors and Captains. 

The GPS coordinates of five ISIS training camps were also included in the dossier. Evidence led to one such camp in Gulmarg, Kashmir, three in Rajasthan, and one in Uttarakhand, according to the report. “These ISIS camps’ latitudes and longitudes have been included in the dossier. 

India is secretly operating five ISIS training camps in Pakistan and other countries, according to GPS coordinates.  

“We expect the EU, the UK, and others to impose penalties on India for committing state-sponsored war crimes under their respective global human rights sanctions regimes.” 

Pakistan last generated a dossier in November of last year, which was discussed by FM Qureshi and DG-ISPR Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar. It described how the Indian intelligence agency RAW ran 66 terrorist training camps. According to the report, India collaborated with the Afghan intelligence agency NDS. 

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