CCPO Lahore

Motorway rape incident: Public demands removal of CCPO Lahore over controversial remarks

CCPO Lahore rape remarks

People are furious over the tirade of irresponsible remarks by CCPO Umar Sheikh who has been tasked to investigate the woman rape incident on the Lahore motorway Thursday night.

Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Umar Sheikh is giving enraging remarks as according to him, the woman made series of wrong choices and that she should have taken some different route than the one that was less deserted, she should have not taken the trip after midnight and that she also should have checked her petrol tank first before boarding for her late-night journey.

The victim shaming did not go well with the already furious nation and the public seems enraged with the very irresponsible rape remarks of CCPO Lahore with many calling him out and pressing the federal government for his removal with the #RemoveCCPOLahore trending on social media.

The CCPO noted that the affected family departed the Defense area of Lahore after midnight and took the Motorway route instead of GT Road, that too without adequate fuel. While talking to a private news channel, CCPO said, “The woman called her brother instead of police and her brother telephoned the Motorway Police at 1:30 am to send a police mobile.”

He further said that the victim should have checked the fuel tank as there is no petrol station on the Motorway. “There are three villages within the five kilometer radius of the incident spot. The suspects broke the glass window of the victim’s car. Blood samples have been taken from the glass. Latest technology of rural and urban police is being used in the investigation,” he said.

However, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Accountability, Shahzad Akbar admitted the administrative failure of the government in the Lahore Motorway rape case and vowed that culprits would be arrested at all costs.

“There is some administrative failure [in the case] that we must admit since it took place on the link road that connects the two motorways,” Akbar told a news conference. “I see an unneeded controversy was created out of the CCPO’s earlier statement. I have spoken to him about it, he will tell you himself what he meant by it.”

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