
Morocco Leaves Palestinian Cause and Normalizes Ties with Israel

Morocco Israel

Morocco and Israel decided to go for normalization, stated by US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The deal reflects another progress in U.S efforts to strengthen relations between once-hostile nations in the region.

In an agreement brokered by US President Donald Trump, Morocco and Israel have agreed to normalize relations, denting the Palestinian cause.

With the latest development, Morocco has become the fourth Muslim country to have normalized relations with Israel since August this year.

The three other countries are Sudan, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Morocco will now officially develop full diplomatic ties with Israel and will restore official communications.

In order to agree to the normalization deal with the Jewish state, the United States has acknowledged Morocco’s jurisdiction over Western Sahara, a disputed region extending over 266,000 km2 bordering Morocco in the South.

Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, said another significant milestone was accomplished by the Trump administration in the form of a peace deal between Morocco and Israel.

The agreement has also caused a setback to Palestinian expectation of creating an independent nation alongside Israel, however, the Palestinians have opposed the pact among Morocco and Israel, claiming that Muslim states are abandoning the Palestinian cause by normalizing relations with Israel.

The Trump administration has been trying to secure a similar agreement between Israel and the most economically important Arab nation, Saudi Arabia.

Jewish prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Saudi Arabia last month to meet Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) secretly as part of an attempt by the Trump administration to find an agreement before Mr. Trump leaves office. However, the Saudi regime consistently denied the meeting ever occurred.

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