
Big trade expected between Pakistan Turkey via new land route

Pakistan Turkey land route

A big step for bilateral trade between Pakistan and Turkey as a direct land route via the Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad (ITI) road corridor is soon going to be opened. 

Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) on Tuesday appreciated the National Logistics Cell (NLC) for obtaining Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) permission to ship goods from Pakistan to Turkey via the new ITI road corridor.

According to the report, Amjad Rafi, Pakistan-Turkish Joint Business Council of FPCCI Chairman applauded the opening of the land. He conveyed that this would not only reduce delivery time but freight as shipping companies were charging five times high. 

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Moreover, he informed that this joint venture was pending for a long time in all Joint meetings and other relevant forums. He believed that if this course became fruitful, trade between Central Asian countries on one side and Europe on the other would be easily accessible. 

Besides this, Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad the route will be revitalized by NLC to execute the first transportation of high-value products from Pakistan to Turkey in the last week of this month. The NLC has already started shipping valuable products loaded on three trailers from Islamabad to Istambul through Taftan, Zahidan, and Tehran. 

Moreover, the products transported encompassed electronics textile-related equipment, raw material, plastic, computers, household items, home appliances, dry fruit, non-perishable food items, furniture, and carpets. 

“Revival of ITI road corridor will improve and strengthen regional connectivity of Pakistan with Iran and Turkey,” Chairman added. 

PTJBC Chairman pronounced Turkey was a doorway to European countries, having a huge market for textile raw material and Pakistan would be able to transport the raw material to Europe much before Bangladesh.   

He mentioned that compared to the delivery time of around one month, through the land route the shipment from Pakistan would reach Turkey or vice versa in ten days. Consequently, both exporters and importers would be benefitted from this service. 

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