National Coordination Committee on Tourism

AJK to establish authority to tap tourism potential: minister


Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) will shortly set up an authority for the exploitation of its rich tourism potential to uplift the socio-economic conditions of its people in harmony with the dream of Prime Minister Imran Khan, a cabinet member said.

While talking to the media, Sardar Tanveer Ilyas, who is the regional president of the governing Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and senior minister for tourism and physical planning and housing, said that a summary envisioning the formation of a ‘tourism authority’ would be sited before the cabinet for consent at its next session.

Ensuing the formation of the authority, distribution, and delineation of land for special tourism regions at district and tehsil level would be started, he said.

Moreover, he maintained that AJK had been blessed with countless tourist fascinations which had a prospective to draw thousands of tourists in all four seasons of the year but barely any government in the past had appreciated this benediction for the grander good of humanity at large.

Read More: Pakistan and Iraq join hands to promote tourism, people-to-people exchanges

“Prime Minister Imran Khan has a very clear vision in this regard from day one. He wants Azad Kashmir to turn tourism into a key source of income for its people, particularly those inhabiting the areas with fascinating natural beauty,” he said.

The senior minister further said exploitation of the tourism sector was vital also due to AJK needed employment chances in the private sector and everybody considered towards the public sector jobs which had already reached to its full capacity.

Besides, Mr. Ilyas also highlighted that the AJK places were not just beautiful for the eyes of nature lovers, rather they were also the epitome for sporting activities, like, paragliding, polo, skiing and skating and river rafting.

He continued that he also wanted to grow model tourist spots beside the Neelum River in Muzaffarabad city which would enhance the capital’s beauty.

“I am sure if we succeed in providing the best possible facilities, we can draw visitors not just from the length and breadth of the country but from across the globe,” he said.

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