
WHO Director General Praises Pakistan’s Efforts against Coronavirus


The Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom hailed Pakistan’s efforts in bringing down the number of COVID-19 cases since last month via a tweet. 

Prime Minister Imran Khan held a video conference with World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom to discuss the global COVID-19 pandemic. He tweeted:

“Thank you for a productive call this morning, Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI, about the #COVID19 situation in #Pakistan & globally. @WHO is glad to see that cases in Pakistan have been in decline since early June & we appreciate your strong surveillance efforts to fight the pandemic.”

WHO Director General Letter to Pakistan’s Minister 

WHO recently advised Punjab Health Minister, Dr. Yasmin Rashid regarding an intermittent lockdown policy in the province to restrict the spread of coronavirus. 

In the letter sent by WHO to Health Minister, it was mentioned that the local official authorities need to make sure citizens follow social distancing policy, restrict the commuters, close business activities for now and also limit those areas who have been infected with the virus. 

Prime Minister Office gave a reply to the WHO Director General by saying, Prime Minister Imran Khan appreciated the support extended by WHO to the international community including to Pakistan’s efforts to fight COVID-19.  

Corona under control with Pakistan’s efforts 

Before the start of the month, corona cases were plunged to almost 6,000 cases per day and the death toll was also on the rise. But after imposing smart lockdown in virus hotspots the corona cases started to decline significantly.

With WHO Director General praising Pakistan’s efforts, the government is working even more efficiently to manage the situation and also asking its citizens to take safety measures for their own safety. 

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