
Ugandans turn to cannabis, other local herbs to treat Covid-19

cannabis Covid

Distressed Ugandans who cannot afford high fees for treatment of Covid-19 have turned to use cannabis and other local herbs to treat the contagious deadly disease.  

According to the 45 years Ugandan citizen, David Sempeke, “When I went to one of the private hospitals and was diagnosed with Covid-19, they told me to pay 3.5 million (Ugandan) shillings ($1,000) in advance before being admitted. Since I could not raise such an amount, I returned home and started using cannabis and other herbs concoctions. A traditional healer told me to use cannabis which I did. I had also heard from former presidential candidate Kizza Besigye how to make concoctions. After 10 days, I got cured.”

Read more: Cannabis plant extract could protect against COVID-19

Uganda is the country, the per capita income of which comes to $912. It shows that there are a few people who can afford to be treated in case they fall victim to Covid-19. The poor Ugandans have now opted to go with the treatment of Covid-19 with cannabis and other local herbs. Kizza Besigye, the old presidential candidate has also told the people how to make anti-Covid-19 concoctions.  

He suggests the use of powdered ginger, red pepper, garlic, onions, and lemons, boils them in water and use twice a day. Melda Atim, a Ugandan lady says, “We also take steam from herbal grasses like bombo, kyayi suubi,mujaaja, lumbugu, and orange tree leaves.”  

She claims that the whole family has been saved from Covid-19. The Doctors are however of the view that the use of such weeds and other herbal drugs including Cannabis for the treatment of Covid-19 may be harmful to the heath.  

Dr. Andrew Zaake, a Ugandan medical practitioner says that the use of such weeds has increased the cases of intoxication in the country. He has come with the viewpoint that it is dangerous that some people are using weeds to treat Covid-19. 

Meanwhile, Dr. Diana Atwine, the Secretary of the Ministry of Health says, “We have not seen any research paper that says cannabis and other herbs treat Covid-19. For that reason, therefore, we cannot recommend cannabis for the treatment of Covid-19.”  

In Uganda, there are 93,122 Covid-19 cases with 2,605 deaths. People of the country are in dilemma about what to do to repel Covid-19. 

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