
‘Pakistan has the highest rate of breast cancer in Asia’

Pakistan breast cancer

One in every ten Pakistani women could develop breast cancer in their lifetime, 90,000 women are diagnosed with this deadly disease every single year in Pakistan.

A webinar meeting organized by the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (Comsats), titled, “Breast cancer awareness: give hope, save lives” revealed that Pakistan has the highest breast cancer in Asia as approximately 90,000 women are diagnosed with the disease every year out of whom 40,000 passes away.

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The speaker retired ambassador Fauzia Nasreen in the meeting further pointed out the importance of measures that need to be taken in order to overcome the lack of knowledge, appropriate facilities, family support, and fear related to cancer in society. She said that early diagnosis of this disease can treat cancer, she added that women must educate themselves about techniques of self-examination.

Dr. Samina Naeem, ex-associate professor at Health Services Academy and consultant at World Health Organisation (WHO) Pakistan, stressed the need for breaking stereotypes and taboos related to breast cancer.

Moreover, Dr. Fauzia Cheema one of the participants also spoke and shared her experience of surviving the disease, brought to light problems related to the treatment of breast cancer along with social and psychological consequences that patients have to face.

Dr. Farheen Raza from the radiology department of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) said screening and the need for community-based health education, including group discussions, must be organized in order to overcome taboos attached to the disease.

Furthermore, the coordinator of the session and Comsats representative Dr. Azeema Fareed concluded that such awareness in this regard should also be given to men along with women for being the part of the family to contribute to the treatment.

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