
Over 20mn years of life lost worldwide due to COVID-19: study


As per the report published in the Scientific Reports (Nature Research) journal, an estimated 20,507,518 life years have been lost due to COVID-19 across 81 countries, includes an average of 16 years for every person 

The coronavirus is not only affecting the current health status of the entire population but can also affect their life expectancy, says the outcome of the research, published in the journal PLOS on 17 September 2020. The coronavirus has expressed itself in a number of ways. Sometimes the symptoms have been mild and sometimes hard in the form of diseases like pneumonia, breathing, and respiratory issues.  

The study of the researchers showed that as the number of Covid-19 cases increases, the death rate also increases. Life expectancy is the way to measure the number of years that an average person is expected to survive. The duration of life depends on multiple factors like healthcare facilities, socio-economic and political factors or conditions, etc.  

The outcome of the research, done in different regions, based on their life expectancy rates include North America and Europe where life expectancy is ‘very’ high, Latin America and the Caribbean, where the life expectancy is high, Southeastern Asia where the life expectancy is medium and Sub-Saharan Africa where the life expectancy of low.   

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The results of the research by the group of researchers from several international universities and research center including Hector Pifarre I Arolas and Guillem Lopez Casasnovas, researchers at the Centre for Research in Health and Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain narrate that a total of 2.05 crore years of life have been lost due to Coronavirus all over the world with an average of 16 per individual death.  

According to an estimate, a total, 20,507,518 years of life may have been lost due to coronavirus in 81 countries, 16 years per individual death. Of the total years of life lost (YLL), 44.9% seems to have occurred in individuals between 55 and 75 years of age, 30.2% in individuals younger than 55, and 25% in those older than 75.  

In countries for which death counts by gender were available, YLL was 44% higher in men than in women. meanwhile, as compared to other global common reasons of deaths, YLL associated with corona is 2-9 times greater than YLL related to seasonal flu, and between a quarter and a half as much as the YLL attributable to heart conditions. 

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The life years lost rate due to the pandemic has been between two and nine times greater than the mean years of life lost rate associated with seasonal flu. The researchers are of the view, “Our results confirm that the mortality impact of Covid-19 is large, not only in terms of the number of deaths but also in terms of the years of life lost.”   

The research is based upon the data, obtained from 81 countries from the start of the Covid-19 up to January 6, 2021. The researchers are, however of the opinion that the conclusion of this work may be wrong as well because achieving the exact data of the people, affected by Coronavirus is highly difficult.   

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