
Microsoft rolls out K12 education transformation framework in Sindh

Microsoft sindh

Microsoft penned down an Educational Transformation Agreement (ETA) contract with two main divisions of the Government of Sindh, The School Education and Literacy Department (SELD) & Sindh Education Foundation (SEF).

The agreement signed was based on the Microsoft Education Transformation Framework (ETF) in which Microsoft is dedicated to making the digital transformation of the educational department more fruitful and systematized.

Moreover, the goal of this treaty is to fortify the education sector across Sindh by releasing the potential of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) at every level. According to the agreement, Microsoft will organize several training sessions, workshops, webinars, and other mutual activities in Sindh encompassing the key stakeholders.

Initially, the plan is to mutually work with the headship of the Sindh education to discuss and make tailor-made digital transformation strategies. In this regard, a number of change management workshops with the leadership will be held to help soothe the digitization procedure in the Sindh education sector.

Read more: Sindh Govt Trains Teachers on Microsoft Software for Teaching Online Education

While signing the agreement, Mr. Jibran Jamshad, Country Education Lead at Microsoft Corporation said that “The agreement will prove to be a roadmap for both parties in bridging the gap between education and employability through information Communication technology.”

Furthermore, Mr. Jibran added “We are closely working with a number of private and public sector institutions in developing customized educational products and services. This partnership with Sindh Government is another step towards this goal to transform the education sector in Sindh province.”

Expressing the opinions on the occasion, The Secretary of School Education and Literacy Department, Sindh Mr. Ghulam Akbar Laghari said, “We are proud to be partnered with Microsoft in digitalizing the Education system in Sindh. Under this partnership, we have developed SELD learning hub App and digital classrooms to cater to the educational needs of students in current emergency situations.”

“We are formally organizing these digital learning platforms to avoid any further gap in children learning across the province. Also, we foresee that this partnership has a long way to go in ensuring a rapid pace of innovation in the classroom and inspiring students for great achievements,” he noted.

Besides, Mr. Ghulam Akbar emphasized the importance of the initiative and said, “Another significant aspect of this ETA is to help the Sindh education sector take benefit from the latest Microsoft technologies including Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure Microsoft teams and much more.

By developing these skills, students, faculties and educators will be able to learn, collaborate, create content, and share resources using the power of various Microsoft tools.

This will enable the education sector to keep flowing and performing even in emergency situations like global pandemics. This partnership paves the way to reduce the gap between education and employability through employment-focused skill development programs. The program also involves special programs for people with vision and speech disabilities”, he maintained.

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