Donald Trump

Medical Factory destroys its production after Trump’s Visit

Trump’s Visit

After Donald Trump’s visit to Puritan Medical Products factory where coronavirus detection equipment is manufactured, the company destroys all the material manufactured during the visit. Because Trump did not follow the required guidelines such as wearing gloves and masks.

During the visit, the workers at the factory were covered with gloves, masks, robes, goggles, and also hair nets but the president of the United States Donald Trump walked through the main gate without any protection. Puritan Medical Products which is a coronavirus detection test factory has now decided to eradicate all the material manufactured during Trump’s visit. The President also talked to workers and stimulated one of the tests.

As of now the wastage amount has not been declared by the company but confirms that material was not in high quantity. The Puritan Manager says the working of the machine is very limited and it was only started just before the arrival of President Trump. The swabs which were manufactured during the staying period will be disposed of.

As per the White House, they don’t want to comment on the decision of the company. But on the other hand, President Trump always defended these acts, this time through remarks that the rules of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention do not force you to wear masks thus it’s not recommended. This was not the first time President Trump violated the premises rule as he broke a respirator plant while visiting Ford plant in Michigan, in Arizona, and also personal protective equipment while visiting a company in Pennsylvania.

The moment coronavirus hit America it faced the crisis in the start for not having protective material in vast quantity but due to Korean War Defense Production Law (1950-1953), it increased the capacity of production with direct aid from the federal government. Puritan also receives several million dollars in order to boost its production.

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