drone delivery

India investigates drone attack at Air Force base in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

jammu drone attack

Two senior security sources claimed on Sunday that India had initiated a probe into the drone attack that rocked an Air Force Base in the Jammu area of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). 

Two explosions occurred early Sunday morning, injuring two persons and causing minor damage to a building, according to officials. They went on to say that the blasts have raised security concerns since they could be the first time drones have been utilised in an attack in India. 

New Delhi has battled pro-independence movement in the occupied Himalayan territory of Jammu and Kashmir, which has a Muslim majority population, for decades, accusing Pakistan for aiding freedom fighters there. Islamabad claims to be uninvolved. 

On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured leaders in occupied Jammu and Kashmir that elections will be held once the region’s constituencies had been reorganised following the region’s semi-autonomous statehood being revoked two years ago. 

Jammu drone attack rattles India

Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is set to examine the security situation, according to a top government official in New Delhi, and the recent bombings are being investigated. 

The Indian Air Force tweeted on Sunday that “investigations are ongoing in collaboration with civil agencies,” adding that one blast damaged the roof of a building at the station and the other burst in an open area. 

It stated that “no equipment was damaged.” 

Separately, a senior security officer told Reuters that the use of drones in the attack would be a big issue for security forces in the area if confirmed. 

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