
Female stalking to be made an offence with imprisonment & fine

Female Stalking

A new step uplifting women esteem- The ministry of law recommended making “female stalking” an offence by addition of Section 354B in Pakistan Penal Code with quantum and fine. 

Dr Farogh Naseem managing the law ministry has put down the Criminal Law Reforms draft in the federal cabinet. 

Under Section 354B, the term “stalk” or “stalking” has been defined as means any man who comes after a woman and contacts or attempts to contact such a woman to nurture personal relations frequently in spite of strong warning or disregard by such a woman or “monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication, commits the offence of stalking”. 

Read more: The first anti-harassment and violence cell launched for women

Female Stalking Complaint Procedure

Communicating the procedure of complaint, it has been devised that if a woman makes a complaint to the officer in command of a police station that she is being stalked by a man, the officer shall have to issue a notice to the man and if his explanation is found to be unsatisfactory, then the officer through a written order shall issue a restraint to the man threatening him to stay away from the accuser on such terms and conditions as believed suitable. 

Furthermore, the proposed PPC section says that in case of violation of the order of caution, he shall be shamefaced of an offence punishable with detention up to three months and a penalty of Rs 100,000. 

It has been made clear that if the man persists to stalk regardless of the warning, the crime shall be punishable for a term of one year and for an amount of Rs 500,000. 

“Harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand,” the proposed section says. 

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