
FDE decides to promote students of classes 1 to 8 without exams

FDE exams

In the wake of the frequent closures of schools amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) had decided to promote students of class 1-8 without annual exams. 

On Monday, FDE announced that students of grade one to eight will be promoted without annual examinations as there were no proper conduction of classes amid 3rd wave of coronavirus. However, students are required to have at least four formative/classroom assessments per subject and the record should be available with their schools. 

Read more: Board exams for grade 9-12 to be held after July 10 only for elective subjects: Shafqat

The notification stated that classroom assessments could be in the form of MCQs, question and answers tests etc. 

Through a notification, the FDE announced that there will be no annual exams for class one to seven. 

Whereas, instead of the centralized exam, there will be an in-house exam for only class 8 which will be conducted by the respective institutions. Exam’s schedule will be issued by the end of June. 

The notification reads, “There will be no centerlised examination for Class V and Class VIII for students both for FDE schools and private institutions registered with Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (Peira) and private students. For admission in class VI, FDE shall issue a cluster based admission policy to ensure that no student is denied from the right of admission.”

It further said for classes I-VII, regular classes shall continue till further orders and all respective heads of institutions are bound to ensure that every class follows a schedule of complete syllabus coverage and weekly classroom assessments. 

“There shall be no annual examinations, however, every student must have record of at least four formative/classrooms assessments per subject and the record must be available with every school to be provided whenever asked for.” 

“This will help students to better prepare for their next classes. FDE shall issue a promotion policy in this regard.” 

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