
EU Proposes Copyright Disclosure Rules For Generative AI Models

EU Proposes Copyright Disclosure Rules For Generative AI Models

Companies deploying generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, will now have to disclose any copyrighted material used to develop their systems, according to an early agreement within the EU. The agreement could pave the way for the world’s first comprehensive laws governing technology. The European Commission began drafting the AI Act almost two years ago to regulate emerging technology. Members of the European Parliament agreed to push the draft through to the next stage, the trialogue, during which EU lawmakers and member states will thrash out the final details of the bill. 

Under the proposals, AI tools will be classified according to their perceived risk level, from minimal through to limited, high, and unacceptable. Companies deploying generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT or image generator Midjourney, will also have to disclose any copyrighted material used to develop their systems. This provision was a late addition drawn up within the past two weeks, according to a source familiar with the discussions. 

While high-risk tools will not be banned, those using them will need to be highly transparent in their operations. Areas of concern could include biometric surveillance, spreading misinformation, or discriminatory language. “Against conservative wishes for more surveillance and leftist fantasies of over-regulation, parliament found a solid compromise that would regulate AI proportionately, protect citizens’ rights, as well as foster innovation and boost the economy,” said Svenja Hahn, a European Parliament deputy. 

Read More: YouTube reveals millions of videos get hit with incorrect copyright claims

OpenAI provoked awe and anxiety around the world when it unveiled ChatGPT late last year. The chatbot became the fastest-growing consumer application in history, reaching 100 million monthly active users in a matter of weeks. The ensuing race among tech companies to bring generative AI products to market concerned some onlookers, with Twitter-owner Elon Musk backing a proposal to halt development of such systems for six months. Shortly after signing the letter, the Financial Times reported Musk was planning to launch his own startup to rival OpenAI. 

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