
Chinese company announces to build 2 million km car battery

2 million km car battery

A Chinese company that makes electric car batteries claims they are ready to make such a battery that can run for 2 million km and the life of the electric car battery is estimated to be around 16 years. In the current scenario, the manufacturer of car batteries offers a warranty of mileage from 60,000 to 100,000 km and which continues to work for 3 to 8 years.

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd which is a Chinese company claims they can make the 2 million km car battery. At the moment the company did not reveal which car manufacturer they are going to supply this supreme technology but there are reports that Chinese companies could be producing the electric car battery with the collaboration of American electric vehicle and clean energy company Tesla, Inc.

The chairman of the Contemporary Amperex Technologies Co. Ltd Zeng Yuqun said in an interview that if any car manufacturer wants to give us the orders, we are ready to make and ship the product.

According to a technological survey conducted from Canals, it reveals that there has been an increase of 72% of the rechargeable and hybrid cars in just the first three months of 2020.

However, due to pandemic coronavirus, there has been a significant effect on auto industries as we have seen a drastic 26% decrease in car deliveries in the last three months.

According to the technological survey, the statement issued by the Chinese company chairman regarding electric car battery life is very important but it’s difficult to verify.

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