
China imported more than $168 million worth of cotton yarn from Pakistan

cotton yarn

Pakistani cotton experts showed their confidence in the growth of local cotton-related industry and yarn export to China in addition to other parts of the world, which is already recording an increase every year regardless of the Covid-19 pandemic.

As per data released by the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC), China imported over $168 million worth of cotton yarn from Pakistan during the first three months of this year.

Uncombed single cotton yarn, comprising 85% or above, earned $133 million in the first quarter of 2022.

Read more: Pakistani cotton yarn export to China rise over four times

Further data showed that the yarn exports from Pakistan to China have crossed $33.30 million, although last year in the same period it was $34.06 million. The export of uncombed cabled yarn to China also showed revenue of $1.50 million.

Over 51,147.28 tons of cotton yarn were imported from Pakistan in the first quarter of 2022. Due to Covid-19, last year the cotton yarn import was more in terms of quantity and value.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of National Food Security and Research’s Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC) Director Dr. Tasawwar Hussain Malik said that price is the key reason for cotton yarn export, and both exporters and farmers get a good price benefit from China.

Dr. Tasawwar added that Pakistan has the finest quality cotton as manual picking ensures its quality.

“Last year, the approved minimum price was Rs 5,500 per 40 kg and this year cotton associations suggested Rs 8,000 to keep domestic availability because Pakistan’s textile sector is booming and local demand increased,” he stated.

He further added that the germplasm resources of the two countries are complementary as Chinese modern technology and updated varieties of seeds could help improve Pakistan’s cotton industry.

Moreover, experts have a point of view that cotton plant protection is still a great challenge to cotton production and authorities need to take it seriously as around 20% of the cotton crop/ production is lost every year.

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