Children Book

A Pakistani Book to Educate Kids about Sexual Abuse

Book to educate kids

Ashhad Ahmed Qureshi wrote a book called Mera Jism Mera Hai which is going to educate kids about sexual abuse in Pakistan.

Several children become victims of sexual abuse on a daily basis in Pakistan. Unfortunately, as child abuse is alarmingly prevalent in our society, this remains one of the least highlighted topics in the mainstream nation’s discourse.

Moreover, it has been observed that parents avoid giving their kids the education regarding sexual abuse, most of the children do not know “how to avoid such circumstances or immediately make their parents aware of such acts”.

Now is the need to make this the main talking point to make our kids secure and parents are the ones to rise to the occasion and start talking to their kids about bodily autonomy.

Book titled Mera Jism Mera Hai to educate kids about Sexual Abuse

Mera Jism Mera Hai written by a young Pakistani based in the United States Ashhad Ahmed Qureshi is the illustration of children’s book series in Urdu that exposes the myths and misapprehensions around sexual abuse, also delivers free legal and mental health resources for children and their guardians.

His book provides a much-needed healthy perception of the ways to recognize and identify abuse, offers support to minor survivors who remain unable to reveal their discomfort due to the fear surrounding this topic.

Ashhad shared his motivation behind writing this book to educate kids about sexual abuse by saying “As a child, I was sexually abused for years by someone in my extended family. I remember how confused and helpless I had felt, I had so badly wanted to do something about it but I didn’t know what and I didn’t know how.”

He further said, “But my story is just one of the countless others. I was privileged that when I was able to finally disclose to my parents, I was able to get the support I needed to heal but I know many others are not so lucky. This is why I wrote this book —it is a book I wish I had had growing up.”

“At the end of the day, the most important things that I hope readers, namely survivors, will take away from the book are that their experiences are real and should be believed, their ways of coping with them are valid, it was never their fault, and that they will always be deserving of love and support.”

Read about Children at bigger online risk due to Covid-19 pandemic here

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