congregational prayer

Saudi Arabia reopens mosques for prayers

Saudi Arabia mosques

People gathered in mosques while wearing facemasks all over Saudi Arabia except the holy city of Makkah. It’s now more than two months that the lockdown was imposed in Saudi Arabia and going to mosques was also prohibited.

Following the strict standard operating procedure which includes maintaining a safe distance of two meters between each person, wearing a facemask, ablution from home and bringing own prayer mats, Mosques were ordered open.

Believers ran towards mosques, the home of God, for congregational prayers after reopening of the mosques. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs also shared a video which is showing people wearing facemasks and using sanitizer after the prayer. The temperature is also checked by the authorities of hundreds of worshippers who came to pray before entering the mosque.

There were also screens installed in mosques premises to display instructions related to stopping the transmission of Covid-19. Authorities also instructed the mosque management to not distribute any kind of food, drinks, or any other thing which may lead towards gathering.

Many believers shared their views regarding the reopening of mosques. One of the men who came to pray expressed his feelings. He said, “I cannot express my feeling at the moment, we are so happy. Thank God we are finally back in the house of God.”

Now after more than two months of strict lockdown, gradually things are coming back to track as Saudi government started local flight operations along with the reopening of other sectors who can now work for limited hours until June 20 and after June 21, there are reports that the government will lift lockdown completely except Makkah.

The Haj is also coming up at the end of July but the government did not announce yet whether it will happen on not. As of now, they have asked to not make any kind of preparation for the annual pilgrimage.

Saudi Arabia reported more than 91,182 corona patients and 579 deaths due to COVID-19.

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