
Rs 7 billion Timergara-Khar-Mamad Gat Road will link Mohmand, Bajaur and Dir

Timergara-Khar-Mamad Gat

Frontier Works Organization (FWO) employed up-to-date practices for the immediate accomplishment of the Rs 7 billion mega road project. It seems that the Timergara-Khar-Mamad Gat Road (TKMG) project is set to be finalized by September 2022.

In this regard, FWO uploaded a video on its Twitter account, sharing updates on the Timergara-Khar-Mamad Gat Road (TKMG).

It is worth mentioning that work on the road was primarily initiated in 2020 after former Prime Minister Imran Khan had performed the ground-breaking in his visit to Bajaur tribal district. Being the main part of Pakistan’s Central Trade Corridor (CTC), the 71.197 km road TKMG Road will link Bajaur, Mohmand, and Dir afterward.

Read more: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa PDWP approves more projects worth Rs 20 billion

The Timergara-Khar-Mamad Gat project has brought convenience and increased the speed of travel from Mamad Gat to Dir in 1 hour and 10 minutes down from a tiresome 3 hours journey. Work on the Retaining walls is near to completion.

In the meantime, development work on major bridges has also been appreciated with FWO working around the clock to attain the set milestones within the specified timeline.

Moreover, asphaltic work is in full form and the team offers smooth traffic flow through diversions helping travelers. It is certainly modern traffic management and planning, allowing a favorable environment for “Construction without Disturbance”.

An organization like FWO can only symbolize such breathtaking management in spite of the challenging land of Bajaur. The ambitious Timergara-Khar-Mamad Gat road will also comprise 7 bridges and 156 culverts.

The TKMG is an essential road project that will give job opportunities to hundreds of local citizens. In addition, the mega project will also bring a new era of progress and prosperity to the region.

The inhabitants of Bajaur also hailed the launch of the work on the road project and expressed the confidence that it would assure modern communication facilities for them on completion.

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