
Pakistani Students Abroad Praised For Showcasing National Identity and Culture

Pakistani Students Abroad Praised For Showcasing National Identity and Culture

Pakistani students studying abroad are playing a significant role in introducing their country’s culture, food, sports, and music to their peers and local populations, making them real ambassadors of Pakistan. The contribution of these students cannot be overstated as they enthusiastically participate in extracurricular activities to showcase their national identity and culture. 

Recently, the Pakistan Student Association at the University of Carleton in Ottawa organized a cultural fair in a local park, which was attended by a large number of Pakistani students and Canadian students of Pakistani origin, as well as other nationalities. The event provided an excellent opportunity for everyone to enjoy Pakistani food and sports and learn more about the country’s rich culture. 

Pakistan High Commissioner to Canada, Zaheer A. Janjua, participated in the fair and appreciated the students for arranging the event and taking pride in displaying their identity and culture through various manifestations. He also lauded the students for their regular participation in events organized by the Pakistani High Commission and Consulates. 

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During the fair, High Commissioner Janjua participated in kite flying and other sports activities with the students, which provided him with a chance to interact with them and understand their experiences. He emphasized that Pakistani students are an asset to the country’s future, and the leadership of Pakistan will be in their hands in the coming years. 

High Commissioner Janjua urged the students to dedicate their full time and energy to their education and acquire high-end skills to prepare themselves for the challenges of the modern-day world. He also assured the students that the doors of the Pakistan High Commission are always open to them. 

The event was a tremendous success, providing an opportunity for Pakistani students to showcase their culture and identity and engage with their peers and local communities. The students’ enthusiasm and passion were evident, reflecting their pride in being Pakistani and promoting their country’s image abroad. 

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