
Pakistani models want to end colorism in Pakistan

Pakistani models to end colorism

Pakistani models Maha Tahirani and Amna Ilyas have demanded colorism to end in the country and asked fellow colleagues to stop promoting fairness creams.

Amna Illyas, a well-known model and actress demanded this differentiation in our society to end. In her recent tweet, she wrote, “My fellow colleagues in the industry, time fr promoting fairness creams fr the sake of money n greed has long passed. Our influence as public figures is meant to make others feel beautiful, not less beautiful. Shame on everyone, who still subscribes to this way of thinking! #endcolourism.”

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Maha Tahirani is a new rising star in the fashion world and turned down a fairness cream rebranding campaign at the beginning of her career. She took to Instagram and posted,

“Growing up a dusky girl shouldn’t have been as hard as it has been considering I was born and raised in a country where the masses carried the same BROWN color as me. I was brained believing my color was far from the standard of beauty, and I blame the trending product adverts promoting a specific color as beautiful. I can only imagine the amount of time it took for me to heal from the shackled criteria and I was fortunate to regain confidence.”

Further wrote, “Recently I was approached by a fairness rebranding agenda. I dropped it, but I couldn’t resist mentioning how it sent chills down my spine. Here’s what I found problematic about them trying really hard to take on board a dark/dusky model. Their desperate attempt to hire a dark girl was, to say the least saddening. It is appalling how its thought that hiring a dusky girl will do damage control to years of colorism that has been promoted. It took them years to recognize the masses of their target audience. Let me mention that there’s no going back from the skin bleaching, hating your color dilemma “fair is pretty” agenda created.”

And concluded by saying, “Being a first-hand sufferer I take it upon myself to shut colorism and never promote anything that creates a standard and shadows our young minds. This country is one of diverse colors, and let nobody ever tell us what ‘BEAUTY’ looks like, because let this be clear once and for all, beauty has no color, gender, state, or country. Let’s let our country free from the shackles our women have suffered for ages. SHAME, if any such thing is ever raised or promoted in my beloved country.”

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