
Labourers under WWF Will Get Rs 200,000 Grant for Daughter’s Marriage

WWF Labourers Daughter's Marriage

The Federal Government of Pakistan announced an increase in the grant for labourers under Worker Welfare Fund (WWF) for their daughter’s marriage, raising it to Rs 200,000 from Rs 100,000.

Syed Zulfiqar Bukhari the Special Assistant of Prime Minister Imran Khan on Overseas Pakistani revealed this news that with the new change, labourers will now from onwards receive Rs 200,000 rather than Rs 100,000 under the WWF funding.

The death grant is also increased for the labourers as from now onward the families will be receiving Rs 600,000 as a death grant. Previously the laborer family was receiving Rs 500,000 which did not cover the huge loss.

While speaking on the Pakistan government initiatives Special Assistant Zulfi Bukhari said that our government’s main aim is to shift every public institution that is not generating revenue into a profit-making unit.

He also proclaimed that the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation is already stepped into the success and converted into a profit-making institution.

He also revealed that the government will push forward until corruption is eradicated in the country, and our next step is to remove bribery and corruption from the Employees Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI). Zulfi said measures have been taken to tackle the situation.

Apart from changes in Daughter’s Marriage grant for WWF labourers, it is pertinent to mention here that the federal government has increased the pension of Employees of Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) receivers by Rs 3,500 in first two years of governance.

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Before coming to power, back in 2018, the EOBI annuities were at Rs 5,000 which is now at Rs 8,500.

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan publicized that his intentions are to take that pension amount to Rs 15,000 by the end of his tenure.

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