
JUI-F Opposes Talks with PTI, Despite Efforts by Ruling Coalition

JUI-F Opposes Talks with PTI, Despite Efforts by Ruling Coalition

Despite efforts by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the ruling coalition to persuade the JUI-F party to engage in potential dialogue with the PTI, the former remains in opposition. Dawn reports that almost all parties in the ruling coalition have shown a willingness to end the political stalemate by initiating negotiations with the PTI, except for the JUI-F, which is proving to be a tough nut to crack, despite efforts by PPP leadership.

An intra-coalition meeting will be held on Wednesday, chaired by the prime minister, to discuss the possibility of talks with the opposition party and the date of the Punjab polls, set by the top court. However, it will be a difficult task for the prime minister to convince the chief of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), Maulana Fazlur Rehman, to join the dialogue with the PTI, even though the latter will meet coalition partners on Wednesday.

A spokesperson for the JUI-F told Dawn that their leader has “decided not to sit in talks with Imran Khan-led PTI, even if the government goes ahead with the dialogue,” as directed by the top court. The ruling coalition will decide its future line of action on talks with the PTI and the issue of “confrontation” with the judiciary on the matter of elections in Punjab. 

Read More: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Chairs High-Level Meeting to Discuss Future Strategies

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