defamation case

Here is what Johnny Depp and Amber Heard said during ‘wife beater’ trial

Johnny Depp

Hollywood star Johnny Depp lost the defamation case with a British tabloid which labelled him as a ‘wife beater’ after a High Court judge ruled that the allegations made by news agency were “substantially true” about his tempestuous relationship with his ex-wife, actor Amber Heard.

Johnny Depp a 57-year-old Hollywood film star globally famed for his roles in “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Edward Scissorhands” had charged News Group Newspapers, publishers for the Sun, and one of the journalists of the agency named Dan Wootton after they wrote an article back in 2018, in which they stated that Johnny Depp had been violent to his 34 years old ex-wife and actress Amber Heard.

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Here is some part of the testimony given at London’s High Court by Amber Heard and Johnny Depp during the libel suit.

Amber Heard 

  • According to Amber, Johnny Depp attacked her on at least 14 times, Depp threatened to kill her many times and not only that he also punched, slapped, throttled, head-butted and kicked her when he became “the monster”. “A violent and jealous alter ego fuelled by excessive drinking or drug-taking. Johnny – the monster – nearly killed me. I loved the Johnny who was clean and sober,” Amber said. 
  • While recalling the moment in Australia, Amber said that Depp took drugs in Australia and was so much drunk and converted into violent and abusive. Depp grabbed her neck, smashed her head against refrigerator, nearly choked her and tossed glass bottles at her. “He was pressing so hard on my neck I couldn’t breathe.” “I remember thinking he was going to kill me in that moment.” 
  • While in the court Amber Heard said, she punched Johnny Depp in Los Angeles in 2015 because she was afraid, he would push her sister downstairs. 
  • She further said that Johnny Depp mocked her work and suspected her of having affairs with co-stars or with those whom she had auditioned. 
  • A text record was also read out in the court by the lawyer, which she sent to her mother in 2013, the text reads: “He’s nuts mom. Violent and crazy. I am heartbroken that THIS is who I love”. 

Johnny Depp 

  • However, the Pirates of the Caribbean star rejected all the allegations that he had assaulted his ex-wife. “For the avoidance of any doubt, I have never abused Ms. Heard, or, indeed, any other woman, in my life,” Depp said in a written witness statement. 
  • Johnny Depp also denied the first assaulting of Heard in 2013 after she taunted one of Depp tattoos. 
  • Johnny Depp also rejected the attacking Amber Heard while in Australia back in 2015. He explained that she had thrown a vodka bottle at him in an argument, cutting the tip of his finger. He said he then suffered “some species of a nervous breakdown” and started writing messages on wall through blood. 
  • Johnny Depp also denied the assaulting Amber Heard on her 30th birthday after being late in the party in 2016, saying he was late due to a meeting with his business managers where he came to know that he had lost $650 million. Instead, she attacked him while he was reading in bed. 
  • Furthermore, Johnny Depp also claimed that these accusations were all part of her tricks. “She was building a wonderful dossier, an insurance policy for when we did break up.” 
  • Depp claimed that he had taken every drug known to man by the age of 14 and had fought to come to terms with his recognition after a problematic childhood. He used drugs to self-medicate instead of amusing purposes and spend $30,000 a month on wine. 
  • Johnny said he portrays himself as a ‘Southern Gentleman’ who never hit a woman. 
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