Dial Zero

Facebook Names Dial Zero as Authorized Sales Partner in Pakistan

Dial Zero private limited are now the authorized sales partner for Facebook in Pakistan. The deal came in a difficult time where a rapid increase of coronavirus pandemic is reported from all over the country and Dial Zero has the opportunity to capitalize on the situation and provide expertise to native businesses and support the agencies.

Managing Director Emerging Markets APAC at Facebook Jordi Fornies says in a statement:

Facebook evaluates Pakistan as an important country and it’s our priority to invest in the Pakistani market which brings Facebook and the people of Pakistan more closely. As of now, we are bringing in Dial Zero as an authorized sales partner in Pakistan and we trust the knowledge and expertise Dial Zero has towards local market insights. We will provide more support in order to boost local businesses and agencies and by doing that it will more beneficial for them as it will make them stronger.

Dial Zero is all prepared to start providing high quality media consultancy services free of cost to its local business and advertisement agencies in Pakistan. Apart from this to enhance the performance of the local businesses they will also offer access to different Facebook programs as well as workshops and training. After the arrival of official sales partners now local businesses can pay in PKR while advertising.

The CEO of Dial Zero Pvt Ltd Zameer Qureshi also shared his views:

We are very excited by the appointment of Facebook as an authorized sales partner for a great market. The time is very much suitable as there is a boom in Pakistan digital industry. Dial Zero will work under the umbrella of Facebook’s sales team and make bond between advertisers in Pakistan with Facebook.

Read more about how Authorized Sales Partners can help local businesses here. Find out more about Dial Zero Private Limited here.

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