
Exports to regional countries rise 6 percent in 11 months

Exports to regional countries

Exports of Pakistan to nine regional countries witnessed a growth of 6.23 percent in 11 months of the outgoing fiscal year. 

According to the report, issued by the State Bank of Pakistan, there has been an increase of 6.23% in the export to its nine regional countries during the period from July to May in this fiscal year. These countries include Afghanistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iran, India Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives.   

The total share of these countries in Pakistan export comes to $3.528 billion which is 15.62% of the country’s total export which has been $22.576 during the first 11 months of the current fiscal year. China’s share in the export of Pakistan is the highest among these countries.

Read more: Textile and clothing exports jump to $13.7 billion in eleven months

Pakistan’s exports to China were worth $1.931 billion from July to May in this fiscal year which was worth $1.535 billion during the same period last, the growth of 19.28%. The import from China also raised to 38.75% to $11.454 billion during the first 11 months of this fiscal year. During the same period year, the imports from China were worth $8.255 billion.

The country’s exports to Afghanistan have been $895.380 million during the period from July to May 2020-21which were $825.802 million during the same period last year. The growth in export to Afghanistan is 8.29%.  

Exports to nine regional countries post a growth

During the first nine months of the last fiscal year, the exports to India were  $25.009 million which remained only $2.28 million, showing a fall of 90%. The imports from India also came down during the period, under consideration.   

During this period, the import from India were 358.939 million last year which came down to $168.730 million, showing a decrease of 52.99%. During the 11 months of the lasts fiscal year, the exports to Iran were $0.055 million which rose to $0.26 million during the same period in the current fiscal year, showing an increase of 74.5%.  

Meanwhile, the export to Bangladesh came down to 12.9 %. The exports were worth $633.787 million during the last year which squeezed to $551,552 million. The export to Sri Lank was worth $272.884 million during the first 11 months of last fiscal year which came down to $237.618 million in the current year during the period, under consideration. It shows a fall of 12.92%.   

The exports to Nepal came down to $4.274 million during the 11 months of this fiscal year from $20.844 million during the same period, last year. The exports to the Maldives also squeezed to $5.564 during the period from July to May in the current fiscal year from $6.744 during the 11 months of the last fiscal year. The exports to Bhutan have been $0.155 million during the first nine months of the current year against $0.094  during the period from July to May in the last fiscal year. 

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