
COVID-19: Pakistan registers deadliest day of the outbreak so far

deadliest day of the outbreak

Yesterday Pakistan registered its deadliest day of the outbreak so far, with 140 deaths taking the total to 3,037 deaths. With the alarming rise in the number of coronavirus cases, medical experts are urging the government to impose lockdown because smart lockdown is the only option. The same was echoed by Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, who said that smart lockdown is the only solution to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Coronavirus is rapidly increasing across the country. Hospitals are getting overwhelmed and things are getting worse. Yesterday Pakistan registered its deadliest day of the outbreak so far, with 140 deaths taking the total to 3,037 deaths. 5,839 new cases took the tally to 154,760, with 37.7% of patients having recovered.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the rapid growth of coronavirus can be stopped only by the smart lockdown. Then on Sunday NCOC recommended 20 main cities of the country and impose smart lockdown there.

Even Prime Minister has gotten depressed of the present condition because lockdown was eased in a condition that there would be following by strict precautionary measures but the public did not adhere to their responsibilities and openly violated standard operating procedures and now the cases of infected people have reached to the peak where controlling this condition is getting even more worrisome.

Imran Khan said while addressing the nation that strict monitoring would be done to ensure the following of SOPs and that government would get strict with violators. He further said that the number of cases would increase if the people did not cooperate and follow precautionary measures.

I want to tell you that we did not bow to the pressure and did not enforce the lockdown similar to the one imposed in some other countries, including India. A survey has been published by the experts of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, etc, in which it is revealed that 84 percent of the people in India have faced financial loss and 34 percent of households cannot meet their daily requirements without financial support. It also reveals that 30 million people have lost jobs but the elite class has not suffered due to Covid-19,” he said.

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