Climate Change

Climate change to reshape life sooner than feared: UN

UN Climate change

In the coming decades, climate change will deeply effect and reshape life on the planet even if humans can control planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, said UN. 

According to a landmark draft report from the UN’s climate science advisers, Climate change has been predicted to fundamentally reshape life on the planet in the coming decades. Devastating climate effects like species extinction, more widespread disease, extreme heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 30. 

Read more: Climate change causing rise in sea level, frequent cyclones in Pakistan

Moreover, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says in a draft report, today’s made choices of societies will determine whether our species thrives or simply survives as the 21st century unfolds. 

But dangerous beginnings are closer than once thought, and terrible consequences halting from decades of uncontrolled carbon pollution are unavoidable in the short term. 

According to the report, “The worst is yet to come, affecting our children’s and grandchildren’s lives much more than our own.”  

“By far the most comprehensive catalogue ever assembled of how climate change is upending our world, the report reads like a 4,000-page indictment of humanity’s stewardship of the planet.” 

However, the UN document on climate change that is designed to influence critical policy decisions, is not yet scheduled for release until second month of 2022. 

In response to news reporting, the IPCC released a statement saying it “does not comment on the contents of draft reports while work is still ongoing”. 

The draft report comes at a time of global “eco-awakening” and serves as a reality check against a slew of ill-defined net-zero promises by governments and corporations worldwide. The challenges it highlights are systemic, woven into the very fabric of daily life. They are also deeply unfair: those least responsible for global warming will suffer disproportionately, the report makes clear. 

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