
Impact of Environment on a Child’s Upbringing

Child's Upbringing

The environment has a direct impact on a child’s life. First of all, the home of the children has a profound effect on his well-being. People learn from their environment and improving the surroundings will improve the child’s upbringing.

The social environment also affects the parents in the upbringing of their children and provide support to them for the better health of children. Mental health and physical health are both crucial for the better upbringing of children. Indeed, the home environment provided by the parents has more impact on children’s life as compared to the social environment outside the home. Children learn habits from interacting with people outside the home and inside the home, they learn from their parents and siblings.

A child’s age below three is considered the most crucial age from the learning perspective. If the environment of the home is not good, the child may get spoiled or learn bad languages. They may get abusive or disrespectful to others at later stages of life.

The social environment directly affects the thinking abilities of the children. As a result, they may face problems in dealing with social relationships. Further, it may affect a child’s health and or even affect their future achievements.  

Children are also sensitive; they cannot tolerate the aggressive behaviors of their adults. As a result, they may suffer from aggression, anxiety, and depression. Anxiety and depression are not healthy for the children’s lives as they lose abilities to perform well in life. Depression directly affects the thinking abilities which in result causes impaired cognitive development in children. The children who suffer from the tense environment may also induce stress in their lives.

Besides the problems of early childhood, the environment also affects the later stages of children’s lives. Children may face problems with confidence in school and after school. Eventually, these deficiencies in childhood due to the surroundings will become prominent in later stages of life, in higher education and professional life.

Physical surrounding includes health care centers, public parks, and schools. They play an important role and may also affect the psychology of the children. Good surrounding positively affects the mind of children as the habit of becoming a good person will be developed in the children. Hence, the child will be able to keep and maintain quality standards of life.

Social class, political governance, and community structures also play a vital role in upbringing. Living in a ghetto or a balanced surrounding like equal citizens will shape and impact the child’s upbringing. They will impact the thinking, abilities, and mood of the children.

Children learn during their whole childhood and in this learning process, they interact with other people and friends as they have to achieve some goals in life. In achieving the goals, they make friends and grow respect for other people. Some maintain a closer relationship with their parents, some like socializing and develop a strong relationship with friends. They learn the basic meaning of life and learn to maintain the trust level and to take care of the needs of others.

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