By this day, there are about 7,025 individuals affected by coronavirus in Pakistan. 135 persons have been dead by this lethal virus attack. As far as world condition is concerned, there are about 2,228,784 people have been affected by coronavirus and about 150,708 people from all over the world have been dead by the attack of this virus.
Due to coronavirus In Pakistan, the situation is likely to be aggravated if proper steps to control the attack of this virus are not taken. Although, federal and provincial governments have announced the total lockdown yet both governments have failed to implement the lockdown to the extent of 100%.
No doubt that the option lockdown in the current situation is the best one. But the question arises that a poor country like Pakistan can afford the lockdown situation for a long time? The simple answer is “NO”.
Few important sources of income of the governments are in the form of sales tax and excise duty, customs duty, utility bill payments, etc. if factories and trading houses are closed, the window of government income is also closed. Then how governments can continue to pay the salaries of the government employees and how the other expenses could be met? The same question is applies to the private sector.
After the closure of trading houses, how the owners can afford to pay salaries to the employees. In this very serious situation, a painful drama seems on the national level and that is a conflict of federal and provincial levels with reference to the steps being taken to prevent the coronavirus.
It is the most important thing at the moment that PM and Chief Ministers should sit together with a limited number of advisors to take urgent and concrete decision jointly to face the current situation.
Political scoring and atmosphere of the allegation is poison for the security of the country and also for the safety of the lives of Pakistanis. Federal governments seem to have taken a wise decision of opening the construction centers by keeping in view the miseries of daily wage workers.
By taking the help of police or army or other law enforces agencies; governments should start the economic activities. Factories and trading houses should be opened but very restrict SOPs must be followed. For example; in a factory or trading house, there are 1,000 employees. These employees should be called to the workplace to turn vise.
Instead of 4 operators on a machine, only 2 for one week and 2 for the other week may be called. This is natural that fear of unemployment will enforce the two employees, working instead of 4 will give the yield of 4. The same strategy could be adopted in the office. In this way, economic activity will start and governments will be getting the required income.
Here, one thing must be compulsorily imposed on all the business units that all the employees should be paid full salary and there should be no deduction and this is the warlike situation and all the Pakistanis have to fight with this current satiation together, keeping in view the interests of all the segments of society.
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