MNS-University of agriculture Multan, is an HEC recognized institution that started its academic activities in 2012. During the short period of its existence, the university has made rapid progress in terms of expansion of its academic programs, students enrollment, physical infrastructure, campus network, and hiring of highly qualified and experienced academic and administrative staff. As a matter of fact, MNSUAM has been considered as one of the fastest academic institution In the country.
The university is located at Old Shujaabad Road, Multan, neighboring several different wings and formations of Punjab Agriculture department. The main campus comprises of 180 acres of land, where upon initially an Academic block, administration block, girls and boys hostels, guest house and some staff residences are been constructed.
The vision of the university is to develop the world class university in Agriculture and allied sciences by providing effective systems and leadership for professional learning, research, entrepreneurship and community service. To provide food security and build knowledge based economy through intellectual and social transformation.
Prof. Dr. Asif Ali-T.I.( Vice Chancellor)
Muhammad Asif Raza( Associate Professor)
Asghar Abbas( assistant professor)
Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
Dr. Naheed Bano
Kashif Hussain
Dr. Rana Waseem Akhtar
Waqar Zaib
Nasir Niaz
Bachelors programs offered at MNSUAM ARE:
- BS/ B.S.c/ B.S.c(Hons) (agronomy, agri. Economics, biotechnology, entomology, food sciences, horticulture, plant breeding and genetics, plant pathology, seed science& technology. Soil science)
Master programs offered are:
- MS/ M.S.c ( same disciplines like BS/B.S.c)
- P.h.D programs are offered in the disciplines named earlier.
A candidate seeking admission in B.S.c must have passed the intermediate science(pre-medical, engineering) 50% or Cgpa 2.50 from the recognized institution of Punjab.
Filled the necessary column provided in the application form.
Determination of merit in the case of equal percentage of admission marks if two or more applicants have equal marks they shall be treated at par and shall be admitted.
Entry test process and then the students are selected.
Both males and females are eligible to apply.
MNSUAM is a growing library with rapidly expanding. It provides quality services, resources and lifelong learning opportunities through books and a variety of other formats to meet various informational and educational needs. It organizes collections for optimal use and provide links to remote information sources. The mission of the library is to provide access to and delivery of information resources to students, faculty and staff in support of the research and instructional mission of the University. It contains a huge collection of books including multiple copies of all the text books, reference books and magazines for serving its community.
Old Shujjaabd Road, Multan. Punjab, Pakistan.
Phone: 061-920161
Website: Email :